Following the increase in Smartphone usage globally, Google announced in 2016 that it was beginning the process of moving to Mobile-First Indexing. The principle behind this move was to ensure that when people searched for a topic and subsequently visited a website, due to the surge in people using Smartphones, they were presented with a website that was mobile-friendly.
Yesterday on the Google Search Console Blog, John Mueller (Search Advocate with Google), announced that from 5 July 2024 the Desktop Googlebot will no longer crawl websites and that this will be done by the Mobile Googlebot.
Whilst this should have little impact on most businesses, there will be some, who, for whatever reason, have not taken the steps to ensure that their website is mobile-friendly.
For these websites, unfortunately they will no longer be crawled by the Googlebot, and will disapper from the Search Results.
If you currently have a website that is not mobile-friendly and need a new website, get in touch with us and have a chat. We specialise in mobile-friendly websites, in fact, all of our websites are built for the mobile-first and then adapt to other screen sizes.